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Welcome to the next stop on the Tales from the Enchantrix Femdom Dungeon! If you have been following along, you just came from the erotic seductress Ms. Stephanie and her Sissy Surprise! If not, and you want to start from the very beginning, then you can go to the front of the train with Ms. Constance. She explains everything beautifully!
Don’t forget to check out the audio at the end of this blog to discover your Dungeon Key!!

Be Careful What You Wish For


He had just left the lawyer’s office, still bemused at what had occurred. As if in a dream, he had been told that he inherited a very large estate from a distant relative. This distant relative had disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Apparently, he was there one day, and then not the next. According to the lawyer, the police had officially ended their search, and everything the relative had owned now belonged to him

His GPS jolted him from his thoughts with its loud, jarring AI voice announcing, “You have reached your destination”. He looked around and then quickly double-checked the address given to him by the lawyer. “There must be a mistake,” he mumbled to himself in complete disbelief.

Before him, loomed an imposing Victorian-style mansion, its grandeur reminiscent of a castle. It stood against the autumn sky stark and bold, its four-story height overwhelming. A vast wrap-around porch embraced the lower level, showcasing grand entrances on all sides. Encircling the property, a black wrought iron fence stood tall with handcrafted elegance, looking as if it were a sentinel guarding dark secrets within.

“This can’t be right,” he thought.

An estate of this magnitude must cost a fortune. “Definitely a mistake,” he mumbled as he climbed out of his car and as he approached the gate that crossed over the driveway, he pulled an oversized skeleton key from his pocket. The lawyer had assured him that this key would unlock not only the gates but every door in the house. As he inserted the old-styled key in the gate lock, he was surprised that the lock turned smoothly and opened with only a soft ominous creak. “Holy shit!” he muttered repeatedly as he got back into his car, drove through the gate, and up to the house’s main front entrance.

When he stepped out of his car, he slowly gazed up at the towering behemoth of a house that was now his. With his neck stretched back at an odd angle, he struggled to see the top of the house, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. He shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs from his mind, and began ascending the massive front steps. As he neared the top, he noticed something bright and out of place. It sat gleaming on the top step, right beneath the handrail, its brilliance shocking against the darker atmosphere of the surrounding house. He reached out to touch it, but hesitated when it began emitting what he could only interpret as a song. A quiet and sweet melody, yet eerily unsettling, stirring a deep dread within his soul. He pulled his hand away as if it had burned him. Though it hadn’t harmed him, he cradled his hand in the other, soothing himself.

“Odd,” he thought. But as soon as he stepped up onto the porch, he completely forgot about it. Absentmindedly, he fished the large skeleton key from out of his front pocket once again and opened the front door.
This door didn’t creak like the outside gate. It was completely silent, as if the door absorbed sound, dampening everything around it. He took a deep steadying breath, and stepped forward into his new abode.

Instantly, the room before him came to life as if by magic. All the lights illuminated with an intensity that hurt his eyes. To his right, a fireplace, one he was sure he could fit his entire car into, roared to life. Everything looked pristine, perfect, and expensive. As his eyes adjusted, he was struck by the sweeping staircase of dark mahogany, elegantly crafted with intricate hand-carved designs. It ascended straight up before gracefully twisting into two different directions, leading to what he assumed was the second floor. The floor beneath his feet was Calacatta marble, its dark and light patterns trimmed in bronze and gold. Delicate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, while warm crystal sconces adorned the walls. He marveled at the beauty around him. Despite its antiqued appearance, he guessed modern technology, perhaps motion sensors, turned it all on. But how was this place real? How was it his? A rush of disbelief coursed through him; he’d seen fancy museums that were less opulent, yet here he stood, enveloped in unimaginable luxury. He stepped into the lush, surreal environment of his new home. He could hear the pounding of his heartbeat over the clicking of his shoes against the cold marble floor. “How? Just, how?” he muttered, glancing at one painting after another, all looking authentic and expensive. As he walked by, he gently touched the mahogany furniture scattered around the room, feeling the smooth, cool surface beneath his fingertips.

A twinkling light from a room to his left caught his eye.

Perhaps it was the setting sun reflecting off something? Curious, he decided to investigate and stepped through a set of double doors. Again, all the lights turned on at once, and an ornate fireplace whooshed to life. A thick, rich Persian rug covered the floor, complementing the oversized Chippendale furniture that looked almost too expensive to touch. An imposing chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting its glow over everything. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books of every color and size. He didn’t recognize any of the titles—or even some of the languages. On the fireplace stood half-sized statues on either side, resembling ancient sentinels standing guard, while a mirror stretched the length of the two-story room, reflecting the upper balcony all the way down to the fireplace mantle.

In front of him, on the fireplace mantle, was an object pulsing with light—bright, warm, and incredibly inviting. A haunting tune started emanating from it. No, not haunting, unsettling. He couldn’t understand why it triggered such a feeling of foreboding within him. The object, despite being the most beautiful a thing as he had ever seen, frightened him. His instincts screamed to leave it alone, yet the light was so inviting, almost beckoning him. It seemed to want him to touch it, to hold it. A sense of lightness washed over him, filling him with an unexpected warmth. As he stepped closer, the light intensified, enveloping him in a warm glow that felt both inviting and suffocating, nearly blinding him. How had he not seen this until now? His hand started trembling as he reached out, a cold shiver racing down his spine, and a flicker of memory surged through his mind, shouting at him to not touch it! He jerked back, and suddenly, the light was gone.

Once again, he immediately forgot about it as soon as it was out of his sight. He wandered from room to room, each more richly designed than the last, as if the house had no end. The furniture looked so exquisite that he was afraid to lay a finger on it, worried he might somehow defile or stain it with his mere presence. He finally wandered into a kitchen that looked like it had been pulled straight from the pages of the Renaissance era. A vast space that echoed the grandeur of a 1600s castle. Yet every appliance adorning its walls and floor were modern, sleek, and top of the line.

Every room had lights that activated as he walked through, and several of the rooms had fireplaces that sprung to life all on their own. Yet a sense of apprehension followed him throughout the house. There was something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, a niggling at the back of his mind like an annoying twitch. He realized he had lost track of which floor he was on now. The third, perhaps? The uncertainty only deepened his unease.
Then, without warning, fatigue crashed over him like a wave. He realized that if he didn’t lie down soon, he might just collapse. With a deep sigh, he muttered, “Now, if I were a bedroom, where would I be?”
To his surprise, an open door stood directly in front of him, revealing a grand four-poster bed draped in silk curtains and adorned with plush pillows. Gilded mirrors reflected the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Rich tapestries and intricate moldings lined the walls, while a plush rug covered the polished hardwood floor. An elegant sitting area with armchairs and a marble fireplace added to the inviting atmosphere.

“How the fu…??!! Was that there the whole time? I must be tired. Yes, bed please.” The door swung wider as if beckoning him. He shrugged his shoulders; who was he to argue with the most luxurious bedroom he had ever seen? He shuffled toward the oversized bed and fell face-first into it, rolling around in what felt like the softest bedding known to mankind. It was like finding a cloud, perfectly soft and fitting his body just right. The last coherent thought he had as he kicked off his shoes was, “I will figure out if this is real or not after a nice long nap.” Then promptly fell into the deepest sleep he had ever experienced. It almost wasn’t even sleep. It was more like moving into a different reality, a different plane of existence.

In his dreams, he saw the brightly glowing light again, warm and perfect, like love and happiness wrapped in a small package shining as bright as the summer sun. He needed to touch it, to hold it, it was as essential as breath itself. But as he reached out to grab it, it danced away from him, just beyond his grasp. Desperate, he ran after it, but no matter how hard he tried, it always eluded him. He awoke with a start, moaning as the light slipped away once more. Sitting up in bed, he was still reaching out, still trying to grab it. Confused, he looked around, trying to recall where he even was.

How had he gotten here? Where was here?

As he looked around at the luxurious silk curtains hanging around the bed and the marble fireplace burning bright, he remembered his newly acquired property. His house. His place. He rolled the thought around slowly in his mind as he surveyed his surroundings. “So, its all real?” he pondered out loud. Dazed, he worked on getting out of the oversized bed to find his shoes. He wondered how he’d fallen asleep fully clothed without unpacking his suitcase. He replayed everything he remembered after pulling into the driveway, and recalled along with everything else that he had found a kitchen at one point. With that thought, his stomach emitted a low growl, a restless beast awakening from slumber.
He hadn’t eaten any dinner! In fact, he didn’t remember eating since breakfast, which he had devoured hastily while rushing to the lawyer’s meeting. Clearly, he needed food.

After finding his shoes, he approached the bedroom door, unsure which way the kitchen lay. “Kitchen, kitchen… where did I leave the kitchen?” he mumbled as he stepped into the hall. Then, as if by wizardry, he found himself standing in the kitchen doorway. Bewildered, he scratched his head. “Doors don’t just appear out of thin air just because you want them to!” he thought. He shook his head, deciding he must have low blood sugar. As he walked into the kitchen, he scanned the cupboards, the refrigerator, and even a room that looked like a pantry. There wasn’t as much as a single crumb of food anywhere.
“What I wouldn’t give for some food,” he grumbled aloud.

Suddenly, a melody filled the air, pulling him from his thoughts. He glanced around, searching for its source. Then, as if conjured from thin air, a blinding light erupted from the center of the kitchen island, illuminating the room. The music seemed familiar, tugging at the edges of his memory.

So alluring. So haunting.

His feet moved as if of their own accord, and he quickly found himself standing in front of the light. “What are you?” he exclaimed, reaching toward the mysterious object at its core. His hand hovered, hesitation creeping in. Should he really touch something so otherworldly? Yet memories of his dreams rushed back, infusing him with courage. This wasn’t something to fear; it was an invitation to embrace the unknown. Great things awaited!

With renewed resolve, he reached toward the epicenter of the light’s song. As soon as his fingers made contact, everything stopped. Everything. Sound vanished. Sight faded. He lost his breath, his heartbeat, even the sensation of existence itself. In that moment, he was no longer tethered to reality. For now, there was only… her.

She was shrouded in a haze of smoke, light, and wonder. The song from before was deafening, yet it wasn’t a song, and it wasn’t loud. It was her. And she was laughing. It was the most magical sound he had ever encountered, and he never wanted it to end. Her laughter filled him up, made him whole, as if the notes of her joy were playing the melody of his heart. The intensity of it surged through him, leaving him craving more. He felt as though he could exist happily for all eternity within her laughter.

As he gazed at her, she grew clearer, more corporeal, transforming into the most beautiful being he had ever seen. Dumbfounded, he stood there with his mouth agape, staring at her helplessly.

Then her eyes locked onto his, piercing into his very soul.

He knew he wanted to spend eternity worshipping her, belonging to her. The desire to be hers filled him with a joy he had never known. An exquisite smile graced her lips, her laughter enveloping them both. He found himself captivated by her luscious mouth as it began to move in slow motion. “Greetings, fortunate one. I am Michaela, the keeper of wishes. How might I serve?”

He was stunned into complete silence. He tried to move his mouth, clear his throat, and say anything at all, but it felt as if he had lost the ability to speak. He seemed unable to do anything except blink repeatedly.
He knew that if he could move, he would have flung himself at her feet. If he could speak, he would declare his undying devotion. But instead, he just kept blinking. She cocked her head ever so slightly and lowered her eyelids just enough to reveal a hint of playfulness. “Are you alright?” she asked, her voice melodic and teasing, her eyes twinkling with mischief. When he still failed to reply, one of her delicate eyebrows arched in curiosity.

Finally, he snapped out of it, his voice emerging thin and raspy, like someone desperately in need of water. “Uh, I, you, uhh, what, uhh…” He snapped his mouth shut and shook his head, struggling to piece together coherent thoughts.
This time, when her laughter surrounded them, her entire body seemed to light up with mirth. She leaned slightly forward, her shoulders shaking with glee, her laughter flowing like a melody. Her hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her graceful neck. As she straightened, her eyes sparkled like stars, drawing him even deeper into her enchantment.

“You’re a funny one, aren’t you?” she teased, with a playful glint in her eye. He found himself smiling along with her, rooted in place with a big, stupid grin on his face. “Uh, yeah,” he mumbled dumbly. She laughed even harder this time, the kind of laugh that felt as though it could warm his soul for eternity. As she began to walk toward him, he felt a rush of exhilaration mixed with panic, he felt himself beginning to hyperventilate. She moved with the fluid grace of a jungle cat, so effortlessly it seemed her feet barely touched the floor. When she drew close enough for him to catch the delicate scent of jasmine, his mind went blank, and all he could do was stare, entranced, convinced she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

As her lips began to move, he found himself mesmerized, unable to tear his gaze away. “As I mentioned, my name is Michaela, and I am a djinn. You now possess my lamp and are entitled to three wishes. The rules are simple: no more than three wishes, I cannot bring back the dead, and I will not compel others to act against their will.”

“So, how may I serve?”

He struggled to get his brain and mouth to work together. Unfortunately, he was still stumbling over his words as he desperately tried to say something astute. “Soo, you’re a genie?” he finally managed, the awkwardness of it making him cringe internally. “A djinn, yes,” she replied, her smile a radiant invitation. “And I have, um, three wishes? Like, I can wish for anything?” He felt proud of himself for having strung together a complete sentence. “Within the rules, yes. You may wish for anything your heart desires. So, what are your deepest desires?” Her voice wrapped around him like silk, and just like that, all rational thought vanished again. Embarrassingly, he felt his body react—his pants tenting in response.

Michaela glanced down at his predicament, a knowing smile dancing on her lips. “So you have thought of something? How may I serve?” Her teasing gaze held him captive, and he knew he was in over his head.
Before he could even stop himself, he blurted out, “I wish I had the biggest cock that you’ve ever seen!”

Silence hung in the air for a heartbeat, then a giant grin spread across Michaela’s face, illuminating her features. “Your wish is my command!” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. Suddenly, the kitchen filled with a warm, golden light. He felt a strange sensation wash over him, igniting his body with an intense heat that centered painfully between his legs. Glancing down, he saw his pants straining at the seams, the pressure building to an unbearable level. The pain in his groin surged tenfold.

“AHHHHHHH!” he yelled, desperately clawing at his pants, feeling like his circulation was being cut off. After a frantic struggle, he finally managed to rip them off, tumbling onto his back, panting as if he’d just sprinted a marathon. Dizziness washed over him, but then it hit him…

He finally had the cock he had always longed for!

Eagerly, he reached down between his legs, only to freeze in horror. The thing between his legs was huge alright, too huge, inhumanly large. There didn’t seem to be any end to it.

“Wh-what?!” he said worriedly as he sat up, trying to get a better look at his new dilemma. Propping himself up, he stared, bewildered, at the towering mound of flesh between his legs and realized that his cock had transformed into a monstrosity, as long and as round—if not longer and thicker—as his own legs.

WHAT?!” he almost screamed, his eyes wide with panic. He looked to Michaela for answers, but she gazed back at him innocently, unfazed by his turmoil. “And for your second wish?” she smiled, clearly enjoying the chaos.

He gaped at her, attempting to get up to show her the issue, but he found he couldn’t stand. The weight of that oversized Manwich was not just throwing him off balance; it was extremely heavy to boot. He looked at her with pleading eyes. “LOOK at me!” he pleaded, struggling to rise again. The weight of the oversized cock was not just awkward; it was immensely heavy. “What am I supposed to do with this?!” he said manically, gesturing wildly at his now oversized man meat.

Michaela glanced between his legs at the dick he was still gesturing at wildly and said, “You wished for the biggest cock that I had ever seen. And that IS the biggest cock I have ever seen.” He was lost for words, overwhelmed by the sheer absurdity of the situation. “But how can any man function with this much, uh, meat hanging off of him?” Michaela seemed to ponder his words for a moment, then said, “I’m not sure. I’ve never seen a man with such a large cock before.”

He balked at her statement, struggling to process it. “But I asked you for the biggest cock you’d ever seen.” “Yes, you did, and that’s it. You never specified it was one on a man.” He looked dazed, mulling over her words. “Never specified it was one on a man,” he mumbled weakly to himself. “Thats right,” she said matter-of-factly.

“And for your second wish?”

“How can I serve?” She stood there, looking at him with a sincerity and serenity that was almost unsettling. “But I—I CAN’T EVEN STAND UP! AND DOES THIS THING EVEN WORK?!” he sputtered despondently. Michaela took a few steps closer, her eyes locked on his now enormous beef baton. “Oh, I highly doubt that. The amount of blood needed to make your new penis erect would be more than your body possesses.” She took a small step back, her expression shifting to mock seriousness. “And for your second wish? How may I serve?”

He was almost incoherent, lost for words. “But you can’t just leave me like this! I doubt I could even lift it up well enough to take a leak. I can’t live like this!!” As he struggled once again to try and stand up, wrestling with his now giant cock, he whined desperately, “I don’t think I can even get up!!”

With his back to her, Michaela doubled over, arms wrapped around her waist, trying her best to stifle her laughter. When he managed to maneuver himself back around to face her, she managed with a straight face, “Yes, I do see your dilemma. Perhaps it just takes some getting used to?” “Takes some getting used to? AND WHERE ARE MY BALLS????” he cried out, agitated, as he frantically searched for them.

Michaela covered her mouth to suppress her giggles as she watched him struggle to maneuver his oversized appendage. After regaining her composure, she walked around to face him, squatted down, and pointed between his legs. “I see one there,” she said helpfully. He quickly grabbed at the spot she indicated, then nearly shrieked, “WHY ARE THEY SO TINY? WHY do I have a cock the size of my leg, but my testicles are still the size of ping pong balls???” “Oh you never said anything about your testicles” she replied, almost innocently.

He looked her as squarely in the face as he could, and blurted out “NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT MY TESTICLES??! Isn’t it implied that I want my balls to match my dick in size??!” With dead seriousness, she said back to him “I gave you what you asked me for.”

He was speechless, completely dumbfounded trying to absorb and process everything. He found himself back again to just blinking. He looked at her and blinked. He looked at the bloated looking sausage that now was jammed between his legs and blinked. He stared at nothing and continued to blink. “None of this, absolutely NONE of this makes sense,” he thought desperately.

Michaela stood patiently by his side, waiting for him to find his words. He slowly shook his head, then said as clearly as he could “I don’t want this! I can’t use it! My life is over if you don’t change it back! You have to change it back now! PLEASE!!” Tears glistened in his eyes as he pleaded. “Well, there are no refunds on wishes I’m afraid,” she said steadily.

“THAT’S NOT FAIR” he wailed.

“This is NOT what I wanted!! You have to change me back!!!” He felt a tear escape, spilling down his cheek. Michaela nodded thoughtfully “Well, I suppose you could use another wish to change things back…”. “But,” he interrupted. “that means I will have used two wishes and then end up with nothing!” He thought hard for a moment, then an idea struck him. “Wait, what if I wished for my dick to go back like it was before, but also for money in the same wish?!” Michaela considered this, then replied, “I suppose if you were to wish for a penis made of gold, that could work…”

He shook his head vigorously, imagining an even worse fate. “No! Please no…I just want a normal cock and lots of money. Can’t I ask for both in the same wish?” “Oh no, that wouldn’t work. Each wish has to be specific to one thing. If you want to wish for your cock, it has to focus on just that.” He pondered this, struggling to come up with a scenario that wouldn’t end badly. Finally, he settled on getting his dick back to normal size. “Okay then, for my second wish…” Her head perked up, and she leaned in, anticipation shining in her eyes. “I wish,” he began, “for my dick to go back to what it was before my first wish.”

She nodded curtly. “Your wish is my command” Suddenly his entire body felt as though it was being encased in ice, with his cock feeling like the tip of the iceberg. He quickly reached down to warm up his manhood, and to his immense relief, his dick had returned to its familiar size. Speaking directly to it, he muttered, “I never thought I’d be so happy to see you again!” He continued to hold and fondle his meager-sized member, basking in its normalcy.

Bringing him out of his revere, he heard Michaela say “You have one wish left. How may I serve?” He turned back around to face her with his rod still in his grasp, and was once again struck by her mind-blowing perfection.

He stroked his dick absentmindedly while staring at her—the flawless skin, her graceful curves, the way her lips curled into a smile, and her eyes sparkling with delightful mischief that captivated his imagination. Her hair seemed to swirl around her like flames, and he imagined how her delicate hands would feel against him. The more he looked, the more he was consumed by an overwhelming need to be with her, to belong to her.  He didn’t even seem aware of the fact that he was now frantically pumping his man meat, staring at her, while thinking of all the wonderful ways she could make him feel.

Michaela, with her glowing smoldering eyes, waited patiently—waiting for him to make his final wish. With a start, he remembered he still had one wish left. “I know what I want for my final wish!” he exclaimed suddenly. “I wish to be yours. To be with you always. To have you hold me and make me your own!!” His heart soared with the knowledge that he had found the perfect wish, a life of pure joy by her side for eternity.

This is what he wanted!

He was consumed by the thought of a lifetime with her, imagining all the things she could do for him and the feelings she would awaken within him. Lost in his own excitement, he almost came.

Her face broke into the most beautiful grin he had ever seen, her eyes shimmering with excitement. Her voice rang out, clear and resonant, echoing with power and drenched with enchantment as she granted him his final wish, “Your wish is my command!” And as soon as the glorious sound of her voice faded, but while the power of it was still resonating in his ears, the magic enveloped him.

He felt a strange warmth spreading through his body, a tingling sensation that began to dull his senses. His limbs grew heavy and soft, the firmness of muscle giving way to a plush, lifeless quality. He felt himself shrinking, the world around him growing larger and more imposing. Looking down, he saw lifeless fabric where his skin had once been.
He tried to scream, to resist, but his voice was replaced by a stitched smile, frozen in place. Panic surged within him as he realized he could no longer move, his body immobilized, now in the shape of a mere doll. His vision narrowed; the kitchen became a vast expanse, with the djinn towering over him like a giantess.
Her words continued to echo in his mind:

“Your wish is my command.”

He felt her gentle hands stroking the fabric of his being. Though he could see her, he was powerless to interact, just a silent observer to her whims. He was destined to be her doll forever, trapped in a world of magic and fantasy, where his desires and dreams were reduced to mere echoes in the void of his plush, diminutive body.

“There we are, my little man. Exactly as you should be. You are now mine, and you will be with me always. Just like the other 82 men before you, now all my treasured toys.” Her giant lips kissed him softly on the head before she gently placed him on a shelf, flanked by other dolls that looked suspiciously like they had once been alive.

As she turned to leave the dimly lit room, she cast one last glance over her shoulder, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. “You see,” she purred, her voice dripping with amusement, “I’ve given you all exactly what you asked for. It’s not my fault if you didn’t think your desires through. After all, be careful what you wish for; lest it come true.” With that, she vanished into the shadows, leaving behind the mirthful echoes of her laughter, as the dolls were left to ponder their grim fates, eternally bound to the consequences of their own careless wishes.

Do you think you can do any better? What would you wish for? Let me know!
Now, if you think you can handle her, the formidable  Ms. Nadia is next up on the train!!
Good luck ?

Your Mistress of Tease